January 1, 2024 – March 31, 2024
April 20, 2024
National, State, and Local Issues
Our chapter members are made aware of legislative issues through our chapter newsletter, which includes a monthly legislative update. Our new newsletter includes the contact information of our area representatives. It includes a hyperlink to the legislator’s website, which contains their email address. We will also include a link to the MOAA Advocacy menu. As part of our agenda at our general membership meeting, we provide a Legislative Moment, including guidance on areas of emphasis, both local and national, and directions on using the Advocacy tab on
As of January 17, 2023 –
95 Members. (MOAA National has us at 90)
We have 2 Honorary and 3 Friends not reported to National.
Membership breakdown…
71 Military Members
19 Surviving Spouse members
100% of the 71 members are National Members!
OWRC continues to actively recruit new members. Recruitment is generally by word of mouth and invitation to monthly meetings. We also use a follow-up phone call/email from our Membership Chair, LTC Ronald Smetana. Prospective new member names from MOAA, which are new to the area, are contacted by LTC Smetana via phone and email invitations. Newsletters are sent to ROTC units and JROTC high schools to recruit leadership officers to become active members of MOAA/OWRC.
- Analysis:
Our numbers have declined due to members moving out of state/out of the area, and unfortunately, five deaths occurred in 2023. Members moving out of the area were contacted by email and/or telephone before being dropped from our rolls. We have chapter meetings in person, and this has helped rekindle interest and increase chapter attendance at socials/meetings.
- The goal in 2024 is to maintain and grow our membership. The Chapter has a long-standing “Wednesday 1130 Luncheon” to encourage spouses, guests, and chapter members to attend and continue to strengthen our membership bounds. We have been averaging 12 members attending these lunches. The Chapter thanks Col. Dick Calta/USAF for coordinating these luncheons and encouraging members, spouses, and guests to attend.
- We continue to send a limited number of OWRC newsletters, “The Briefing Board,” to surviving spouses and members with no computer access and/or limited technology abilities to ensure those members remain connected.
Major William Maki is our 2nd Vice President and is submitting OWRC chapter news articles to the local media for publishing.
The OWRC Chapter continues to email the “Briefing Board” newsletter to members and potential new members as a drawing card to join the Chapter. LTC Andy Emanuele is assuming the responsibilities of webmaster and temporarily as newsletter editor; LTC John Anderson is the MOAA Legislative Affairs writer and chapter secretary; Col Dick Calta contributes the personal affairs column. Major William Maki is our new 2nd Vice President and is submitting chapter news articles to the local media for publishing. We have lost ourliaison officer between college ROTC units and JROTC units to lend support to the school’s military activities. The president, Andy Emanuele, has temporarily taken over that position. LTC Ron Smetana is our OWRC roster keeper and outstanding roster data chair. Additional “hot topic “articles are included from MOAA and the local Akron area for veterans and active duty military personnel. All members are looked to for sending current, updated military news for the “Briefing Board.”
OWRC continues to hold weekly luncheons at Michael’s AM. These informal meetings have been well attended, with an average attendance of 10-12 each week. These lunches have also been used as recruiting sessions by inviting prospective members.
The Chapter received the Five Star Level of Excellence Award for 2022, presented to President Andrew Emanuele. Mr. Emanuele attended the MOAA National Convention in person on October 27 and 28 in Kansas City, MO. MOAA President and CEO LtGen Dana Atkins, USAF, (ret) and MOAA Chairman Gen. Walter “Skip” Sharp, UA (ret) presented the award on the evening of October 28, 2022.
Major William Maki as the 2nd Vice President continues submitting OWRC chapter news articles to the local media for publishing.
Ongoing Activities:
Executive Board Meetings.
The OWRC Executive Board will be meeting in person for the 2024 calendar year at the Veterans Office (VSC) in Akron. We are currently scheduled to meet on the 3rd Tuesday in January, April, July, and October. We hope to have all board members present or via phone.
General Membership Meetings.
Attendance at our Monthly membership meetings has been lighter than usual so far this year. Historically, the Chapter has several members who leave the area for warmer climates at this time of year. The snowbirds are returning, and we anticipate that attendance numbers will increase.
The January meeting was organized by 2D VP Willliam Maki and held at MGM Northfield Park Casino in North Randall. The Chapter attended a lunch and discussion with casino management about their support of local veteran groups. After the Chapter meeting, everyone visited the casino. Members agreed to donate a portion of their winnings to the Chapter. We made a couple of bucks.
Our membership meeting for March was held at the President McKinley Museum in Canton, Ohio, and was well attended. The museum also has a well-known planetarium, and our members attended a special extended presentation about the Solar Eclipse that occurred on April 8, 2024.
The Chapter has meetings planned for April 25, the ROTC/JROTC Recognition and Awards Banquet; a tentative meeting on May 16 with a speaker from NASA Glenn Research Center; July 13 (Summer Picnic); August 18 for our annual Steak, Chicken, and Corn roast. This includes a visit from MOAA National, so we will be inviting members of other chapters to attend. Our annual Business Meeting is scheduled for October 18, and the Chapter elections will be held on November 13. Our Christmas Party and Officer Installation will be held on December 6.
Warriors’ Journey Home (WJH) of Northeast Ohio will hold its Witness Tree Program in several locations in the greater Akron Area. The Witness Tree Program begins on November 1 and continues through Veteran’s Day, November 11. Each day, at a specified time, at each location, a brief meditative and reflective ceremony is held, and twenty-two dog tags are placed on a Witness Tree. OWRC supports this program by attending and speaking at two locations.
OWRC has done very well with 2022 National MOAA Award. OWRC was awarded a 5-Star Level of Excellence Award, and a 4-Star Harris Communications Award for our website and a 5-Star award for our Newsletter. We anticipate there may be a drop in Award Levels for 2023 due to Personnel turnover issues, but we continue to strive to provide the necessary support to our members.
Membership roles and participation rates are slipping in our Chapter. OWRC, OCC, and MOAA National are aware of the need to increase membership.
Respectfully Submitted,
Andrew R. Emanuele
LTC, USA (ret)
OWRC President.