MOAA Executive Meeting
17 March 2015
Dan Hahn
Dave Riegler (by phone)
Larry Ashbaugh
Dick Calta
Donald Bratton
Ron Smetana (by phone)
Larry turned it over to Donald Bratton. He talked about the ROTC High School program at Kenmore, 13:45 22 April; Perry High School,1400 and Green on 25 April at 1700. Dan volunteered to go to the Green presentation. ROTC awards at KSU Army 14 April at 1730, Cadet Fox has been selected. Air Force ROTC 28 April 1625 hours. University of Akron Army, 1 May, Cadet William Larson.
On 23 Feb Don ordered the MOAA medals and also ordered 30 Army and 9 AF Velcro patches. We do have a scholarship nomination from each of the ROTCs. Larry suggested that we create a form that lists the requirements for the scholarship as opposed to how we do it now. Dan commented on the way we ran the presentations and suggested we do it that way this year.
Bart asked why we were only receiving a single write up instead of several for the board to decide. We discussed the write ups of the two cadets. Dick was concerned that the AF cadet did not mention patriotism and duty to country. Bart read it and had the same concern We discussed the matter but decided to accept them as written, this time.
Don suggested that we change the procedure for the coming years to require more than one submission. Revise the criteria for next year and advise the leaders of the ROTC programs.
Dick presented the USAA check of $300 to be used for the ROTC scholarship dinner to Larry. He also presented a thank you card and a $100.00 check from Willie Menza for ROTC.
Dan stated the award date for the scholarship. We have the awards ceremony date that Kent Army ROTC sent to us. Bart will Tell LTC Fox that we would prefer the Leadership lab for the location of the Scholarship presentation.
The event is 21 May ROTC presentations and meal. Dan suggested that the names must be back to us for meal selection by 1 May. How many will we invite? ROTC Cadet, plus one and the instructor plus guest of the instructor. Junior ROTC cadet plus two, an instructor the guest of the instructor. Dan recommended we do the same this year. Dick suggested that we draft letters to go to other organizations soliciting donations from them to support our recognition awards to the ROTC.
Bart reported that Valor Home would not require a $1,000.00 this year for their gardens. Bart will check with Valor Home and see if they will be doing the garden again. Dick stated that we have $200.00 in our budget for Valor Home this year. Dan asked about Fisher house and we discussed a potential donation to them.
Recruitment and Membership
Larry stated that he had done nothing lately in this area. Dan continues to work to obtain new members. Larry stated that we obtained $50.00 from MOAA for new members. Dan suggested that we no longer project an amount for incentives because we can not count on that. Dan asked who send out the electronic newsletter, Janet sends it to Dave and Dave then sends it to the members. We will pass out forms to the cadets for them to join national MOAA for free.
Future Meetings and Speakers
April meeting will be Michael Goldstein, retired LTC, Intelligence. September Dave Roamans a Cleveland Lawyer who helps veterans with VA claims. will be there and October will be either Tim Gorrell or Renanci?? November speaker was unknown.
Dan suggested that Dave Riegler call Patricia Bosley and Doris Wilson to see if they plan to participate in our meetings. Dan will call Calhoun and George Lemon to get them to pay their dues. Larry works with Nesline and Titus to get them to pay. Pete Mihal is a member of the Mahoning chapter so we should make him an honorary member. Luczinski, Don will contact him. Auxiliaries, Annette Chapman and Rita Loos, no one knows them, Dan suggests that we drop them. We discussed the others and Larry will call, Joseph Parker.
Larry asked Dick to contact USAA to see if they would help sponsor some of our activities with a small ad in our newsletter. Contact Dick Ray to contact some of the aerospace contractors and ask them for ads. Larry asked if some of the members would write articles for the newsletter. It would not have to be limited to the board for creating of these articles. Dan stated that sometimes Janet needs filler for the newsletter. Larry will talk with Janet about this.
We committed to purchase 50 coins of the counsel coins at $4.80 each. We would sell them for $20.00 each and use the profit for fund raising. Dan stated that in July, we would go to a Rubber Ducks game and then go to a restaurant as a social event. We will have this on the 24th or 25th. He will meet with the Rubber Ducks next week.
OHIO Council
Saturday 25 April, Mahoning Chapter is sponsoring. He asked if other would attend. Ohio National Guard meeting on the same weekend in Columbus.
Dan reminded us of the 25 and 26 September MOAA state meeting in Dayton in September.
Auxiliary Liaison, is part of the criteria for selection of chapter of excellence. We do not have one and Dick suggested that we ask Willie Menza to take that function; Larry agreed, Dick said that he will approach her on this matter.
Leadership progression plan is now a required criteria for the letter of excellence program. We do not know if this is required now but Dan states that we can talk to this area.
Mid week luncheon
Do we need to start this again; it has been held at Michaels AM. Dan suggested that we start the second on 8 April, a Wednesday at 11:30.
There is a meeting of the Western Reserve Historical Society on Wade Circle, on 28 March. At the Crawford Car Museum. They are taught about Ohio History.
Bart Oldenburg
LTC Retired
Secretary OWRC MOAA