Board Meeting Minutes Jan 2015


6 JAN 2015

Members present:

Larry Ashbaugh

Dan Hahn

Janet Oglesby

Donald Bratton

Bart Oldenburg

Ron Smetana

Ron led the pledge of allegiance.  Dan made the motion to accept the minutes from the last meeting.  Ron stated that David Roman will be the Feb speaker, the March speaker will be Jack Ench, Major, retired.  In April, Mike Goldstein, will talk about the Middle East problems. Dan, Larry and Janet worked at trying to resolve membership roster discrepancies.


Don reported that we have one Army ROTC candidate recommended but acheter viagra he has not given that to us.  Bart will contact the PMS at Kent State Army to get the name and their write up. Dan wants us to present the award at their Leadership Lab in February.  We need the name and letter by the 21st of January and we need the date from the PMS on the Leadership lab.

Dan wants Don Bratton to order the gold bars and patches this month. Bart will ask the PMS if he wants a congratulation letter from the local representatives.

Dan stated that he has invited himself to Timken High school to speak.  Don stated that he visited Green HS and they are too busy to accept us. Dan Hahn will be speaking at the UA pinning ceremony.  Dan mentioned the medals for the award ceremony for the High Schools.  Dates, place the order for medals. May 21st is the date for the scholarship banquet.

Larry has established a contact log for our legislative representatives. Bart will enter the Valor Home points of contact on our contact log. We discussed advertising of the Ducks team and how we can help.

We discussed the bonus that the chapter gets from national MOAA for new members. Janet reviewed the other free items that MOAA will provide to the new Basic members. Larry stated that he would like to see some members visit the older members who can no longer get out and keep them informed of our activities. Dan gave an example of where he had tried this and it was appreciated.

There was a discussion of asking people in a zip code to try to help others near them. The current activity calendar is out of date. We need to set the dates of our board meetings.

Meeting was adjourned at 1905 by Larry.

Bart Oldenburg

LTC Retired

Secretary MOAA

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