Hello Everyone,
It’s a little late, but here are some thoughts for August and the end of the summer. We had a bit of a break from August’s usual heat and dryness, maybe a little over the top on rain, but things are still growing and green.
- In July, we had a great summer picnic with 20 of our members.
- This month was the Steak & Corn Roast, and 34 members and guests attended. Thanks to everyone who brought appetizers and desserts; this was the best table of appetizers and desserts we have had yet.
- Thanks to our cooks Bill Maki and James McClellan and support from Dick Calta and Tom Luczynski.
- And special thanks to the spouses who set up the serving line and got everyone fed.
We had the privilege of a visit from Frank Michael, Capt, USN (Ret). Capt Michael is the Executive Director of the MOAA Council and Chapters. We had a great visit, and he seemed to really enjoy our meeting and picnic.
He talked about problems other Chapters are facing, like membership and participation. He left us with a few suggestions on how other chapters are addressing these problems.
I am working on scheduling our September meeting at the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland. I will notify all of you as soon as I receive the information.
As always, we still need someone to offer to be the 2d Vice President. We also need a Newsletter editor and a photographer. David Sears is back as ROTC/JROTC liaison!
Thank you for your membership and your help with the Chapter. I see the weather is going to go back to a ‘normal’ August temperature, HOT, so drink plenty of water and do not work out in the afternoon heat.
Thank you,
Andy Emanuele
President, OWRC