Hello Everyone,
2025 Dues are Due
Annual Dues Payment
Each Fall, the OWRC Executive Board has several important administrative milestones which includes the Annual Meeting, the Elections, and the collection of annual dues and direct giving contributions. On the last point, I wanted to ensure our members are current on the latest updates.
First, our 2025 dues remain the same amount as 2024. For active members, it is $25 and for Surviving Spouses, it is $10. As in the past, you can choose to donate to three different charities we support: ROTC/JROTC Scholarships, Fischer House, and Summit County’s Stand Down. For each of these charities, you can select the amount you want to donate but a suggested donation level is $10.
Second, for 2025 our preferred method to pay or donate is via our website, I wanted to take a few minutes to outline the process as we recently updated our site but ensured the dues submittal process and look is familiar. As before, to pay your dues:
Access the OWRC website via your computer, laptop or smart phone. Here is the link:
Dues and miscellaneous Payment – Ohio Western Reserve Chapter – OWRC
Then, follow the Instructions on the Dues Payment Page.
Additionally, you can pay your annual dues or make a direct giving contribution via a check and mail to our PO Box. Our address:
PO BOX 4272
3840 Ridgewood Road
Copley OH 44321
Our Treasurer, James McClellan, Col (Ret), USAF will provide each member with a status of your dues, and you should receive this notice after Thanksgiving. However, you can contact him anytime if you have questions via our contact tab on our website.
Finally, while we collect dues and direct giving contributions anytime during a given year, we ask you to complete your submissions for 2025 before January 31, 2024.
If you have any questions, please contact Col McClellan, via our contact tab on the website.
Andy Emanuele
OWRC President